Environmental policy in the context of the implementation of the sustainable development goals in the countries of central Asia: Projection to the regional level

Larissa Bozhko, Irina Zhukovskaya, Gauhar Seitkhamzina, Mikhail Balyberdin, Sabira Dzhunusova, Maxim Afanasyev, Anatoliy Makretsky

Article ID: 9070
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


The article examines the modern vectors of implementation of measures to achieve results in the field of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both at the level of national priorities and at the level of Central Asian countries. The purpose of this study is a multidimensional analysis of actions that make it possible to develop solutions to stabilize the environmental situation in Central Asian countries based on global international trends. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the integrated use of thematic modeling methods, as well as sociological surveys used to improve the efficiency of business processes in the field of environmental protection. The methodological basis for conducting a comparative assessment of the impact of environmental policy instruments used on regional development is the concept of sustainable development. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the need to develop effective mechanisms for the implementation of environmental policy in the studied countries.


sustainable development goals (SDGs); environmental policy; national level; regional level; institutionalization, governance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9070


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