Determinants of economic growth and the externalities of infrastructure investment, Peruvian case 2000–2022

Alejandro Paredes-Soria, Hilmer Rubén Jaime-Belleza, Vicenta Irene Tafur-Anzualdo, Jorge Miguel Chávez-Díaz

Article ID: 9068
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


The objective is to determine the impact of economic growth on the externalities of infrastructure investments for the Peruvian case for the periods from 2000 to 2022. The methodologies used are descriptive, explanatory and correlational, analyzing qualitative and mainly quantitative methods. Econometric software was used, and correlations of variables were created for each proposed hypothesis. The estimated model shows that all the independent variables have a significant t-statistic greater than 2 and a probability of less than 5%, which indicates that they are significant and explains the model. The R2 is 98.02% which indicates that there is a high level of explanation by the independent variables to the LOG(RGDP). The results of the estimated models demonstrate the existence of a positive and significant relationship of investments in infrastructure and externalities on the growth of the non-deterministic component of real GDP, therefore, in a practical way, private and public investment has a positive effect on the non-deterministic growth of real GDP.


gross domestic product; private investment; public investment; externalities; economic growth

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