Sustainable forest-based law enforcement against corporate illegal logging: A comparative study of Indonesia and Malaysia

Absori Absori, Haslinda Mohd Anuar, Arief Budiono, Rizka Rizka, Moh Indra Bangsawan, Rina Rohayu Harun

Article ID: 9067
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


This research is based on the condition of the ever-rampant events of illegal logging perpetrated by companies in various areas in Indonesia and Malaysia. The issue of corporate illegal logging happened due to a concerning level of conflict of interest between companies, the government, and local societies due to economic motives. this paper aims to analyze the law enforcement on corporate illegal logging in Indonesia and Malaysia as well as the law enforcement on corporate illegal logging that is based on sustainable forestry. this research used the normative legal approach that was supported by secondary data in the forms of documents and cases of illegal logging that happened in Indonesia and Malaysia. this paper employed the qualitative analysis. Results showed that Indonesia had greater commitment and legal action than Malaysia because Indonesia processed more illegal logging cases compared to Malaysia. But mere commitment is not enough as the illegal logging ratio in Indonesia compared to timber production is 60%. meanwhile, in Malaysia, it is 35%. This shows that the ratio of law enforcement in Malaysia is more effective when comparing the rate of illegal logging and timber production. The phenomenon of forest destruction in Indonesia happened due to a disharmonic situation or an improper social relationship between society, the regional government, the forestry sector, business owners, and the law-enforcing apparatus. The sustainable forest-based law enforcement concept against corporate illegal logging is carried out through the integration approach that involves various parties in both countries.


sustainable forest; law enforcement; illegal logging; corporation; comparative study; Indonesia; Malaysia; law

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