Construction and application research of intelligent classroom teaching system based on TPACK level of normal students in Chinese colleges and universities

Yingdi Lu, Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Bin Mohamad Said

Article ID: 9058
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Technical Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) encompasses teachers’ understanding of the intricate interplay among technology, pedagogy, and subject matter expertise, serving as the essential knowledge base for integrating technology into subject-specific instruction. Over the decade, advancements in information technology have led to the consistent application of the TPACK framework within studies on instructional technology and technology-enhanced learning, significantly advancing the evolution of contemporary teacher education in technology integration. In this paper, we utilize the Teaching and Learning Knowledge of Subjects Based on Integrated Technology (TPACK) framework to administer a questionnaire survey to teacher trainees at Chinese colleges and universities. This survey aims to evaluate the current status of their integrated technology-based subject teaching and learning knowledge. Based on the research findings, we propose strategies aimed at enhancing the educational technology integration knowledge of students pursuing integrated technology courses in colleges and universities. Furthermore, we integrate the smart classroom setting to develop a comprehensive TPACK-integrated model teaching framework. Our final objective is to offer valuable references for the progress of modern teaching skills among education students in higher education institutions.


TPACK; integration model; higher education; smart classroom; technology integration

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