Vulnerability and adaptation strategies of health facilities to climate change at greater Lomé in 2022, Togo (West Africa)

Piniouwe Andje, Tossou Atchrimi, Kossi Komi, Brigitte Koko Z. Houedakor, Tchakouni Sondou, Hezouwe Looky-Djobo, Essossinam Pali

Article ID: 9053
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Climate change is causing serious impacts, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where poverty rates could increase by 2050 if climate and development measures are not taken. The health consequences are diverse and include transmissible and non-transmissible diseases. The objective of this study is to analyze the strategies implemented in health facilities in the Greater Lomé health region to cope with the impacts of climate change. The survey was carried out in 23 health facilities in 2022. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study which was carried out from July to September 2022. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Non-probability sampling method and purposive choice technique were used. Four techniques made it possible to collect the data, namely documentary analysis, survey, interview and observation. The collected data were processed with Excel software and exported to SPSS for analysis. In total, 112 people were surveyed out of 161 planned. According to the results, 52.68% of health facilities did not implement adaptation strategies, 47.32% used adaptive strategies depending on to their means. Strategies exist but at low percentages due to limited technical and financial resources and the insufficiency of innovative policies. These strategies need to be supported in order to make them more effective. The study provides a basis for adopting innovative strategies and encouraging financing for adaptation actions.


adaptation; mitigation; resilience; health facilities; climate change; greater Lomé (Togo)

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