Practical implications of women’s participation in family businesses: A systematic review

Deisy Carolina Castillo Castillo, Johanna Rosali Reyes-Reinoso, María Caridad Rojas Valdivieso, Karol Andrea Cabrera Calle

Article ID: 9052
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Presently, there exists a burgeoning trend of female entrepreneurs worldwide, notably within the realm of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), many of which manifest as family-run enterprises. The systematic literature review endeavors to construct an integrative framework concerning the practical ramifications of female involvement in family businesses by amalgamating extant global studies. The findings elucidate the practical implications inherent in female participation across global family businesses, concurrently furnishing a reservoir of prospects for prospective investigations. The deduction posits the imperative eradication of gender disparities, cognizant that gender parity underpins economic and financial advancement and is contingent upon female involvement. Furthermore, familial enterprises are urged to acknowledge and integrate women’s contributions in entrepreneurial decision-making processes.


gender studies; family enterprise; practical implications

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