Exploring the conflict management of international students at a Hungarian University based on the Thomas-Kilmann model
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
While some conflict can serve as a more sophisticated stimulus to student achievement, significant or unresolved conflict can delay or even frustrate even the best-planned curriculum. The aim of our study is to get a clear picture of the conflicts with whom and to what extent the international students studying on our campuses have conflicts that affect their performance, and how they can manage them. In our study, based on a questionnaire survey (n = 480), we revealed that the international students at our university have the most conflicts with other foreign students, and the least with Hungarians, including their teachers. On the other hand, we found that according to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument, they solve their problems by the Compromising and Accommodating style. The results obtained by detailed socio-demographic aspects show significant differences, mainly between gender, age, and country groups. Knowledge of the revealed facts and connections can offer conscious and careful solutions to understand and reduce tensions, and this can improve the understanding and management of conflict in the classroom, in collaborative projects, and even in non-teaching environments on campuses.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9046
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