Bibliometric analysis on bodybuilding

Wei Chen, Syahrul Ridhwan Morazuki

Article ID: 9018
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

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Over the past few years, there has been a consistent rise in the popularity of bodybuilding. This study did a bibliometric analysis to offer a systematic overview and facilitate researchers in obtaining comprehensive insights on the peculiarities of bodybuilding research. This study utilized the bibliometric analysis program Bibliometrix to identify 940 papers on bodybuilding from the Web of Science database. The publications were selected from the years 1976 to 2024 and were used for the analysis. This study provides a thorough and detailed analysis of bodybuilding research using visual representations. It includes information on the frequency of publications, the nations that have had the most impact on bodybuilding research (including institutions, sources, and authors), and notable areas of focus within the field. Furthermore, the research collaboration among nations (regions), organizations, and authors is depicted based on a set of collaboration studies. The bibliometric study of current literature offers useful and groundbreaking sources for academics and practitioners in the field of bodybuilding-related studies.


bodybuilding; bibliometric analysis; network analysis; scientific collaboration; research trends

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