Estimation of the LINDA index prediction based on deep learning models
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
Recognizing the importance of competition analysis in telecommunications markets is essential to improve conditions for users and companies. Several indices in the literature assess competition in these markets, mainly through company concentration. Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as an effective solution to process large volumes of data and manually detect patterns that are difficult to identify. This article presents an AI model based on the LINDA indicator to predict whether oligopolies exist. The objective is to offer a valuable tool for analysts and professionals in the sector. The model uses the traffic produced, the reported revenues, and the number of users as input variables. As output parameters of the model, the LINDA index is obtained according to the information reported by the operators, the prediction using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) for the input variables, and finally, the prediction of the LINDA index according to the prediction obtained by the LSTM model. The obtained Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) levels indicate that the proposed strategy can be an effective tool for forecasting the dynamic fluctuations of the communications market.
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