Risking established businesses: Does the green capital city encourage sustainable green entrepreneurship pioneering?

Akhmad Junaidi, Johny Walker Situmorang, Adi Suryo Hutomo, Agung Sutoto, Slamet Rahmat Topo Susilo, Hotnier Sipahutar, Lisa Yuniarti, Asrori Asrori, Endro Winarno, Reza Lukiawan, Lilam Kadarin Nuriyanto, Diba Anggraini Aris, Irma Himmatul Alliyah, Catur Wibowo Budi Santoso, Lokot Zein Nasution, Juni Hestina, Sahat Aditua Fandhitya Silalahi

Article ID: 8980
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


In the context of establishing businesses in a new region, neglecting environmental orientation may lead to the omission of crucial motives for entrepreneurs’ migration and the subsequent course of their businesses. This present study aims to investigate the effect of green space quality (GSQ), green campaign (GC), and green attitude (GA) on green entrepreneurship pioneering intention (GEPI). Further, national pride (NP) was added as a moderator. This study utilized a cross-sectional approach using a survey method targeting small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owners who will be relocated to the new capital city. Partial least square structural equation modeling was employed in the data analysis. The results revealed that GSQ, GC, and GA positively influence GEPI. Also, NP moderates the positive influences of GC and GA on GEPI. Entrepreneurs were motivated to pioneer green entrepreneurship in the new region due to environmental factors. Furthermore, their nationalism reinforces the connection between environmental motivations and the aspirations to undertake such pioneering endeavors. The findings present valuable insights for governments to formulate policies that encourage entrepreneurs to migrate internally and establish new economic nodes. Further, the results demonstrate how nationalism encourages green business pioneering endeavors in an untapped market.


green entrepreneurship; sustainable entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurial orientation; SMEs

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd8980


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