Adaptive load balancing strategies in service composition for improved system performance

Wai Kent Low, R. Kanesaraj Ramasamy, Venushini Rajendran

Article ID: 8967
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


Service composition enables the integration of multiple services to create new functionalities, optimizing resource utilization and supporting diverse applications in critical domains such as safety-critical systems, telecommunications, and business operations. This paper addresses the challenges in comparing load-balancing algorithms within service composition environments and proposes a novel dynamic load-balancing algorithm designed specifically for these systems. The proposed algorithm aims to improve response times, enhance system efficiency, and optimize overall performance. Through a simulated service composition environment, the algorithm was validated, demonstrating its effectiveness in managing the computational load of a BMI calculator web service. This dynamic algorithm provides real-time monitoring of critical system parameters and supports system optimization. In future work, the algorithm will be refined and tested across a broader range of scenarios to further evaluate its scalability and adaptability. By bridging theoretical insights with practical applications, this research contributes to the advancement of dynamic load balancing in service composition, offering practical implications for high-tech system performance.


dynamic load balancing; service composition; least connection; service oriented architecture; round-robin; weight least connection

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