A limiting integrative effort plastic waste in the sea of Indonesia and China: The Penta Helix model perspective

Diana Hertati, Daniel Susilo, Nurhadi Nurhadi

Article ID: 8962
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024

VIEWS - 204 (Abstract)


Indonesia ranks as the second-largest source of plastic garbage in marine areas, behind China. This is a critical problem that emphasises the need for synergistic endeavors to safeguard the long-term viability of marine ecosystems. The objective of this work is to examine the implementation of the Penta Helix model in the management of marine plastic trash. For this purpose, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out, utilizing scholarly papers sourced from the Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. The analysis centred on evaluating the Penta Helix model as a cooperative framework for tackling plastic waste management in the marine environments of Indonesia and China. The results suggest that the Penta Helix methodology successfully enables the amalgamation of many interests and resources, making a valuable contribution to the mitigation of plastic pollution in the waters of both nations. In order to advance a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to plastic waste management, this multidisciplinary plan brings together stakeholders from government, academia, business, civil society, and the media. Under this framework, the government is responsible for formulating laws, guidelines, and programs to decrease the use of disposable plastics and improve waste management infrastructure, all while guaranteeing adherence to environmental constraints. Simultaneously, the industrial and academic sectors are responsible for creating sustainable technology and pioneering business strategies, while civil society, in collaboration with the media, has a crucial role in increasing public consciousness regarding the destructive effects of plastic trash. This comprehensive strategy emphasizes the need of synergistic endeavors in tackling the intricate issues of marine plastic contamination.


plastic waste; Penta Helix model; integratif effort; environmental sustainability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.8962


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