Economic security of states in the conditions of global changes

Arkadii Sukhorukov, Tetiana Yehorova-Hudkova, Svitlana Breus, Taras Kotsko, Yurij Neustroev, Yurij Rabotin, Olha Sukhorukova, Volodymyr Martyniuk

Article ID: 8950
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024



The most important issue of economic development is the question of the real reasons for the growth of labor productivity based on innovative equipment and technologies or “closing technologies”, both directly and in the sphere of organization and management of economic systems. Organizational innovations can also be classified as “closing technologies”. For example, the creation of strategic institution, alliances and associations capable of changing the situation in the global economy, likely World Bank (WB), World Health Organization (WHO), International association Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) etc. This approach involves the formation of fundamental innovative solutions at all levels of the management hierarchy. The imperfection of the existing ideological and methodological paradigm, ignoring the mathematical constants of the Universe when designing economic supersystems or economic systems as integral distributed systems with complex dynamics similar to natural systems, the inefficiency of institutional intervention is the main reason for the impossibility of minimizing the structural and functional instability of the state economic system. The consequence of this is systemic violations and disproportions in the economy, risks associated with changes in the structure of the world economy and a colossal difference in the level of economic security of states and the phenomenon of crisis transfer.


crisis; economic security, closing organizational technologies; horizontal contacts; transaction costs; transdisciplinary approach

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