Sono-libro: Educational Innovation in Musical Teaching. Interdisciplinary Learning

Marta Vela, Vicenta Gisbert

Article ID: 8941
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


In this paper, a study developed at the University of Seniors in Aragón is presented. The Sono-libro, used as an innovative resource, is assessed in the proposal with an educational and pedagogical purpose. The aim is to understand the motivational and learning perception variation after the incorporation of the Sono-libro in the sample. In this quantitative longitudinal design study, the listening habits of the participants are comparatively analyzed at two moments: The first data collection took place before the implementation of the proposal, and the second collection occurred after the proposal. The sample consists of 116 subjects, with 64.16% being women and an average age of 66 years of age. Data was obtained through a validated ad hoc questionnaire judged by experts. The results of the data collections showed an increase in both motivation and perception of the learning obtained, indicating the benefits of incorporating digital resources into contexts of adult students.


musical education; educational innovation; interdisciplinarity; motivation; Sono-libro; third age

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