Bridging technostress and continuous learning in knowledge-intensive organizations: A socio-technical systems approach for the future of healthy working life

Martin Salzmann-Erikson, Annakarin Olsson, Mahmoud Rezagholi, Daniella Fjellström, Aihie Osarenkhoe

Article ID: 8938
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


We present an interdisciplinary exploration of technostress in knowledge-intensive organizations, including both business and healthcare settings, and its impact on a healthy working life. Technostress, a contemporary form of stress induced by information and communication technology, is associated with reduced job satisfaction, diminished organizational commitment, and adverse patient care outcomes. This article aims to construct an innovative framework, called The Integrated Technostress Resilience Framework, designed to mitigate technostress and promote continuous learning within dynamic organizational contexts. In this perspective article we incorporate a socio-technical systems approach to emphasize the complex interplay between technological and social factors in organizational settings. The proposed framework is expected to provide valuable insights into the role of transparency in digital technology utilization, with the aim of mitigating technostress. Furthermore, it seeks to extend information systems theory, particularly the Technology Acceptance Model, by offering a more nuanced understanding of technology adoption and use. Our conclusion includes considerations for the design and implementation of information systems aimed at fostering resilience and adaptability in organizations undergoing rapid technological change.


digital transformation; information system theory; learning systems; organization design; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); socio-economic impacts

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