A computer-based evaluation system: Its design, implementation and results obtained on a general chemistry course
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024
Using multiple evaluation methods and systems give a comprehensive assessment. A computer-based multiple-choice assessment system was designed, implemented, posted online, and used to assess students as part of their final evaluation marks for a discipline. The online system of evaluation was intended to be used multiple times for evaluating the assimilation degree of a specific course at the end of the course. The data recorded for the period 2017–2023 with about 1400 distinct users were used to analyze the performance of the evaluation system. The system worked fine and a slight modification of it served well on remote evaluation during COVID-19 period. However, the upturn of mobile phone applications requires the creation of a system adapted to the new virtual reality.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8839
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