The present scenario of artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial services: An empirical study

Mohammed Arshad Khan, Hamad Alhumoudi, Abdullah Alakkas, Syed Mohd Minhaj, Mohammed Alhashem

Article ID: 8818
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

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The financial services industry is experiencing a swift adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for a variety of applications. These technologies can be employed by both public and private sector entities to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, monitor activities, evaluate data accuracy, and identify instances of fraudulent behavior. The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has the potential to provide novel and unforeseen manifestations of interconnectivity within financial markets and institutions. This can be represented by the adoption of previously disparate data sources by diverse institutions. The researchers employed convenience sampling as the sampling method. The form was filled out over the period spanning from July 2023 to February 2024, and it was designed to be both anonymous and accessible through online and offline platforms. To assess the reliability and validity of the measurement scales and evaluate the structural model, we employed Partial Least Squares (PLS) for model validation. Specifically, we have used the software package Smart-PLS 3 with a bootstrapping of 5000 samples to estimate the significance of the parameters. The results indicate a positive and direct connection between artificial intelligence (AI) and either financial services or financial institutions. On the contrary, machine learning (ML) exhibits a strong and positive association among financial services and financial institutions. Similarly, there exists a positive and direct connection between AI and investors, as well as between ML and investors.


AI; ML; financial services; financial institution; investors

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