Customer satisfaction through service quality dimensions: A study on perishable products purchased through online mobile apps in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
Purpose: This study aims to identify the primary determinants of consumer behavior influencing customer satisfaction in the context of online mobile application (App) purchases of perishable products. Utilizing the well-established SERVQUAL (Service Quality) model, which has been extensively studied in various service-oriented settings, the research seeks to determine the factors with the greatest impact on customer satisfaction during online transactions of perishable products. Design: The investigation focuses on analyzing the five core dimensions of the SERVQUAL model: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The study employs a survey methodology administered through Google Forms, targeting the population residing in the Klang Valley of Malaysia. A total of 400 samples were successfully collected using a snowball sampling technique. Methodology: The study employs the SERVQUAL model as the theoretical framework to examine the dimensions of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The survey, conducted through Google Forms, targeted the population in the Klang Valley of Malaysia, with a sample size of 400 collected through snowball sampling. Findings: The study’s outcomes reveal the robust predictive capability of the overarching SERVQUAL model in the realm of online perishable product procurement. Notably, the assurance dimension emerges as the most influential factor, emphasizing its pivotal role in shaping and defining customer satisfaction for online retailers of perishable goods in the Malaysian market. Novelty: This research contributes to the understanding of consumer behavior in online perishable product purchases, by identifying determinants of consumer behavior; the study promotes sustainable production and responsible consumption within the perishable products category, offering insights beneficial for online retailers in the Malaysian market. This study aligns with United Nations sustainable development goals especially industry innovation, food security and responsible consumption.
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