Perception of university social responsibility through the eyes of students: Comparative analysis of values, organisational efficiency, and educational process in Slovak universities

Dáša Porubčanová, Janka Bursová, Michal Vaľko, Pavel Bartoš

Article ID: 8786
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


The presented article focusses on the analysis of perception of the university social responsibility through the eyes of Slovak university students. The aim is to compare how the values, efficiency of the organisation (university), and the educational process influence the perception of social responsibility among university students themselves. The research is based on the application of quantitative methodology towards the evaluation of differences and similarities in perceptions using two types of tests for statistical analysis, comparative (Mann-Whitney U test) and correlational (bivariate correlation matrix of Spearman’s rho).The results of the research provide a deeper understanding of how universities can shape students’ approach to social responsibility through their values and educational processes, which has important implications for the development of university policies and practices.


social responsibility; universities; student perceptions; comparative analysis; values in education; organisational efficiency

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