Evaluation of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation rates: A case study in the district of Cumba, Northern Peru

Juan E. Suarez-Rivadeneira, Eduardo B. Suarez-Chavarry, Wilfredo Ruiz-Camacho, José C. Paredes-Carranza, Daivis D. Saldaña-Sánchez, Freddy A. Manayay

Article ID: 8738
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


The objective of this research was to evaluate the unit rates of MSW generation in Cumba in the years 2016 and 2022. The calculations were based on the weights of the MSW disposed in the dump located 5 km from the city of Cumba since 2012. The GPC, physical composition, density, humidity were determined in the years 2016 and 2022, studied according to the methodology and group classification of Peruvian regulations. The results show that 5.45 Tn/day−1 are generated in 2016, 4.37 Tn/day−1 in 2022; according to its physical composition, 82% RO, 14% MICVC and 4% MISVC in 2016; 77% RO, 16% MICVC, 7% MISVC in 2022; density 137.90 kg/m3 in 2016 and 172.69 kg/m3 in 2022; humidity 67.67% in 2016 and 63.43% in 2022. It was also found that in 100.00% there is no solid waste treatment; Everything generated in homes, businesses and streets is evacuated to the final disposal site, which is a dump. In 2022, Cumba acquired 10 hectares to have adequate sanitary infrastructure and begin the closure and recovery of its current dump. This study will contribute to providing accurate data on MSW generation that allows the local government to promote the optimization of collection routes and schedules, resulting in cost savings and reduction of carbon emissions in the Amazon Region. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness at all levels of society through various means of communication and education, so that the risks of spreading health risks can be minimized by improving MSW management.


waste management; characterization; circular economy; organic waste

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8738


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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan E. Suarez-Rivadeneira, Eduardo B. Suarez-Chavarry, Wilfredo Ruiz-Camacho, José C. Paredes-Carranza, Daivis D. Saldaña-Sánchez, Freddy A. Manayay

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