Fostering entrepreneurial ambitions in the UAE: A comprehensive study among undergraduate students
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
The purpose of this study is to analyze how the entrepreneurial mindset, social context, and entrepreneurial ambitions of university students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have progressed over time in terms of starting their businesses. The research aims to investigate the evolution of the entrepreneurship mindset, considering the implementation of educational and governmental policies over the past decade to promote entrepreneurship among UAE university graduates. To collect primary data and evaluate the impact of the studied variables on the dependent variable “entrepreneurial ambitions,” a self-created questionnaire was used. The results reveal a positive correlation between personal context variables and entrepreneurial ambitions, as well as between personality traits and entrepreneurial ambitions. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the constructive effect of education, government policies, and capital availability on fostering entrepreneurial ambitions in the UAE.
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