A system dynamics modeling approach for improving engineering, procurement, and construction project performance: A case study

Nida Fariza Maulanisa, Endang Chumaidiyah, Iphov Kumala Sriwana

Article ID: 8730
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 21 (Abstract) 12 (PDF)


Delay is the leading challenge in completing Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) projects. Delay can cause excess costs, which reduces company profits. The relationship between subcontractors and the main contractor is a critical factor that can support the success of an EPC project. The problematic financial condition of the main contractor can cause delay in payments to subcontractors. This research will set a model that combines the system dynamics and earned value method to describe the impact of subcontractor advance payments on project performance. The system dynamics method is used to model and analyze the impact of interactions between variables affecting project performance, while the earned value method is applied to quantitatively evaluate project performance and forecast schedule and cost outcomes. These two methods are used complementarily to achieve a holistic understanding of project dynamics and to optimize decision-making. The designed model selects the optimum scenario for project time and costs. The developed model comprises project performance, costs, cash flow, and performance forecasting sub-models. The novelty in this research is a new model for optimizing project implementation time and costs, adding payment rate variables to subcontractors and subcontractor performance rates. The designed model can provide additional information to assist project managers in making decisions.


cost; delay; forecasting; financial; payment; subcontractor

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8730


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