Sustainable Demoethical values as tools for social transformation in interaction with the components of demography, democracy, and demoeconomics

Rinat A. Zhanbayev, Muhammad Irfan, Anna V. Shutaleva, Daniil G. Maksimov, Zhuldyz Yessimova, Kakhaberi Gabelashvili, Dinara Dauletaliyeva, Saule S. Sagintayeva

Article ID: 8729
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


This study aims to evaluate theories and ideas about social values and determine the high quality of virtues that potentially change social practices, thinking, self-awareness, and behavior of the individual and society. The relevance of the study of value components is determined by the fact that such values as “spirituality and morality”, “responsibility”, “justice”, “rationality”, and “security” are capable of capturing the greatest value of many interests, which allows for the integration of society. An experimental study was conducted using sociological research methods based on developed questionnaires with questions touching on the parameters of sustainable development of society, determining the high quality of virtues and behavior of the individual and society. The study was conducted from May to June 2023 (N = 1387). Based on Demoethical values, special attention is paid to global problems related to climate change and inefficient use of energy and water resources, thereby achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. As a result of the study, Demoethical values are revealed in interaction with the economic components of demography, democracy, and demoeconomics as a tool for social transformation, as they shape the harmonious vision of the world, human behavior, decisions, and relationships with other people.


Demoethical values; spirituality and morality; responsibility; justice; rationality; security; sustainable development; social transformation; demoeconomics; demography; democracy

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Copyright (c) 2024 Rinat A. Zhanbayev, Muhammad Irfan, Anna V. Shutaleva, Daniil G. Maksimov, Zhuldyz Yessimova, Kakhaberi Gabelashvili, Dinara Dauletaliyeva, Saule S. Sagintayeva

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