Refugees in the Minawao camp: Status and erosion of social assistance in the face of the SDGs

Marie Rosette Magne, Cyprien Coffi Aholou

Article ID: 8706
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


This article analyses the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Minawao refugee camp in Cameroon, focusing on the social pillar of sustainable humanitarian. Established in 2013 to accommodate Nigerians fleeing the violence of Boko Haram, the camp now faces growing challenges related to the sustainability of assistance. Based on a mixed methodological approach, the analysis draws on data collected from humanitarian operators, refugees and the host community. The data was collected using tools such as participant observation, individual and group interviews, questionnaire surveys, mapping, documentary review, etc. Although essential infrastructure has been put in place, the study reveals that minimum humanitarian standards are not being met in several key sectors: food security, education, sanitation, shelter provision and Non Foods Items (NFIs). The lack of financial resources, combined with insufficient involvement by the Cameroonian government, has led to a gradual erosion of social protection for refugees. Maintaining assistance on a temporary basis compromises the integration of the SDGs into humanitarian operations. The article highlights the need for a forward-looking approach by humanitarian agencies, coordination between stakeholders and the involvement of new partners, including refugees, to guarantee their well-being and the achievement of the SDGs.


sustainable humanitarian; refugees; SDGs; social assistance; Minawao

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