Comparing co-teaching and single instructor approaches on student satisfaction in online medical English courses

Wenyu Guan, Timothy Scott

Article ID: 8686
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


This study examined the dissatisfaction among Chinese medical students with online medical English courses, which overemphasize grammar yet fail to provide practical opportunities related to medical situations. This study compared co-teaching’s effects, involving native and non-native instructors, with a single-instructor (traditional) model on student satisfaction in online medical English courses. Using a qualitative design, pre- and post-course interviews were conducted with 49 second-year medical students across seven classes, exploring their perceptions of instruction, curriculum, and course satisfaction. The findings indicated that the co-teaching model improved student engagement and satisfaction, not specifically due to the native English-speaking instructor but likely because of the focus on more interactive and discussion-oriented strategies. In contrast, the single-instructor model maintained the traditional grammar-focused instruction, leading to lower satisfaction levels. Both instructional models faced limitations related to their reliance on textbooks for delivering core material needed for the course’s comprehensive exam. These results suggest that the instruction design and approach, rather than the native instructor alone, was the main driver of positive outcomes in co-teaching. The study’s findings suggest a need for curriculum reforms that reduce textbook dependence and incorporate more practical, interactive learning strategies. Future research should consider applying various research techniques, such as mixed-method approaches, longitudinal studies, and experimental designs, to comprehensively assess the long-term effects of instructional strategies and curriculum innovations on student outcomes.


Chinese higher education; constructivist learning; curriculum relevance; instructional methods evaluation; student engagement; student feedback; teaching methodology; textbook reliance

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