A study of the doctoral preparatory behaviour of female teachers in independent colleges in China: The moderating role of perceived risk

Yanhui Yu, Yuan-cheng Chang

Article ID: 8668
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 31 (Abstract) 17 (PDF)


This study is based on the theory of planned behaviour, and its aim is to understand the impact of doctoral pursuit intention on the doctoral preparatory behaviour of female teachers in independent colleges in China, as well as to determine the moderating effect of perceived risk between doctoral pursuit intention and doctoral preparatory behaviour. The participants in the study were female teachers from independent colleges in China, who were recruited between February and March 2024 based on convenience sampling. 776 valid questionnaires were obtained, and the data were analyzed using a hierarchical regression method. According to the results, a doctoral pursuit intention has a significant and positive predictive effect on doctoral preparatory behaviour, while the perceived risk has a significant and negative moderating effect between doctoral pursuit intention and doctoral preparatory behaviour. This indicates that female teachers with high doctoral pursuit intention more actively prepare to pursue a doctoral degree when the perceived risk is low, whereas the doctoral preparatory behaviour of those with high perceived risk shows a limited increase as their doctoral pursuit intention increases. Therefore, female teachers’ pursuit of a doctoral degree should be supported on an individual basis and analysed within the broader context of the transformation of independent colleges.


doctoral preparatory behaviour; doctoral pursuit intention; female teachers; perceived risk; theory of planned behaviour

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8668


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