The influence of emotional intelligence and employee motivation on employee performance in telecommunication companies in the sultanate of Oman
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
This study examines the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) and employee motivation on employee performance within the telecommunication industry in the Sultanate of Oman. The target population consisted of 4344 non-managerial employees across nine telecommunication companies, including Omantel, Ooredoo, Vodafone, Oman Broadband Company, Awasr Oman & Co, TEO, Oman Tower Company L.L.C, Helios Tower, and Connect Arabia International. Employing a deductive research approach, finally data were collected via an online survey from 354 respondents. The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis. The results indicate that all dimensions of EI self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills positively and significantly influence employee performance, with social skills having the strongest effect. Furthermore, both intrinsic motivation factors, such as work itself and career development, and extrinsic motivation factors, including wages, rewards, working environment, and co-worker relationships, significantly enhance employee performance. The interaction between EI and employee motivation was found to amplify these positive effects. Among control variables, age and education level showed significant impacts, while gender did not. These findings underscore the critical role of both emotional intelligence and motivation in driving employee performance. The study suggests that managers and policymakers should adopt integrated strategies that develop EI competencies and enhance motivational factors to optimize employee performance, thereby contributing to the success of organizations in the telecommunication sector.
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