A qualitative case study on the development of the scholarship of teaching and learning: Centred on primary and secondary school teachers

Ping Yong, Yang Long

Article ID: 8637
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


This study aims to explore the perceptions of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) of primary and secondary school teachers in C City, China, as well as the challenges they face in developing these abilities. Through narrative inquiry involving five current teachers, the research collected their personal experiences in the development of teaching and academic abilities, with data gathered through semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal that teachers are primarily driven by external forces, professional identity, personal growth, and the need to improve teaching quality in their efforts to enhance teaching and academic abilities. However, they also encounter challenges such as teaching pressures, time management difficulties, insufficient school support, and declining energy. To overcome these obstacles, teachers have adopted strategies such as time management, task allocation, and cognitive enhancement. The study concludes by recommending that through the combined efforts of teachers, schools, and society, a strong professional belief system should be established, and a supportive environment should be created to collaboratively promote the development of teaching and academic abilities among primary and secondary school teachers, thereby fostering their professional growth.


primary and secondary school teachers; the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL); narrative inquiry

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.8637


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