Analysis of the spatial distribution patterns of education infrastructure development (A case study of 33 regencies/city in North Sumatra Province)

Mangaraja Halongonan Harahap, Hermanto Siregar, Ernan Rustiadi, Andrea Emma Pravitasari

Article ID: 8624
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 18 (Abstract) 5 (PDF)


This study explores the spatial distribution pattern of educational infrastructure development across districts and cities in North Sumatra, identifying significant disparities between urban and rural areas. The study aims to: (1) determine the distribution of educational development across districts and cities, (2) analyze global spatial autocorrelation, and (3) identify priority locations for educational development policies in North Sumatra Province. The methodology includes quantile analysis, Moran’s Global Index, and Local Indicators of Spatial Autocorrelation (LISA) using GeoDa software to address spatial autocorrelation. The results indicate that there are nine areas with a low School Participation Rate Index (SPRI), eleven areas with a low School Facilities and Infrastructure Index (SFII), and eleven areas with a low Regional Education Index (REI). Spatial autocorrelation analysis reveals that SFII shows positive spatial autocorrelation, while SPRI and REI exhibit negative spatial autocorrelation, indicating a high level of inequality between regions. Labuhan Batu Selatan and Labuhan Batu are identified as priorities for the provincial government in overseeing educational development policies.


spatial distribution; educational development; global spatial autocorrelation; priority locations; North Sumatra

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