Determining factors of regional tourism development based on public policy management

Alexander Zuñiga-Collazos, Jose Fabian Ríos Obando, Alexander Romero Sánchez

Article ID: 8591
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


Studies on the influence of public policies on the regional tourism sector are of high scientific and practical interest, as they offer inputs to guide public management towards strengthening the tourism development of the territories. Through the structural equation model, this study took a sample 99 companies in the tourism sector in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, addressing the relationship between public policy management (PPM) and regional tourism development (RTD), from the perspective of the rational model of business performance. The findings show that the capacity of the state and its entities to comply with the requirements of the organizations, as well as the rigor to take criticism and suggestions for improvement, as a basis to strengthen their management, are the factors that best explain the relationship between the PPM and RTD based on the performance of organizations in the sector, especially focused on increasing market share, productivity, and income. Other findings and practical implications are discussed.


management; tourism development; public policy; regional tourism

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