The impact of innovation governance and policies on government funding for emerging science and technology sectors in Saudi Arabia
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This study examines the impact of innovation governance and policies on government funding for emerging science and technology sectors in Saudi Arabia, addressing key bureaucratic, regulatory, and cultural barriers. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research integrates qualitative insights from stakeholder interviews with quantitative survey data to provide a comprehensive under-standing of the current innovation landscape. Findings indicate a high level of policy awareness among stakeholders but reveal significant challenges in practical implementation due to bureaucratic inefficiencies and stringent regulations. Cultural barriers, such as a risk-averse mindset and traditional business practices, further impede innovation. Successful initiatives like the National Transformation Program (NTP) demonstrate the potential for well-coordinated efforts, highlighting the importance of regulatory reform and cultural shifts towards entrepreneurship. Strategic recommendations include streamlining bureaucratic processes, enhancing policy coordination, and fostering a culture of innovation through education and stakeholder engagement. This study contributes to the existing literature by offering actionable insights to enhance innovation governance, supporting Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goals.
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