Research on the relationship among resource integration, shared value, and value creation in scenic areas

Zheng-yi Dong, Jin-wen Tang

Article ID: 8502
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


This study investigates the potential predictors of resource creation behaviours in the Shanxi merchant courtyard scenic areas based on resource dependence theory. The research was conducted in China using questionnaire survey, and data analysis employed structural equation modelling, including mediation and moderation effects. The model was tested using a sample of 376 individual managers from scenic areas. The results show that external resource integration, internal resource integration, and shared value significantly affect resource creation in scenic areas. The findings indicate that shared value plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between resource integration and resource creation, while environmental dynamism significantly moderates this relationship. This study clearly demonstrates the relationship among resource integration, shared value, and value creation in scenic areas. This research contributes to the tourism management literature by identifying gaps and offering a comprehensive perspective to understand resource creation behaviours in the tourism industry.


resource integration; shared value; value creation; environmental dynamism; Shanxi merchant courtyard

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