The effects of compensation, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction on work productivity: Evidence from readymade garments industry in an emerging economy
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
Despite noticeable research interest, the labor-intensive Readymade Garments (RMG) industry has rarely been studied from the perspective of workers’ productivity. Additionally, previous studies already generalized that rewards and organizational commitment lead to employee productivity. However, extant research focused on the RMG industry of Bangladesh, which consists of a different socio-cultural, economic, and political environment, as well as profusion dependency on unskilled labor with an abundance supply of it, hardly considered job satisfaction as a factor that may affect the dynamics of compensations or rewards, commitment, and employee productivity. To address this research gap, this study analyzes the spillover effect of compensation, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction on work productivity in Bangladesh’s readymade garments (RMG) industry. Besides, it delves into the analysis of job satisfaction as a mediator among these relationships. We examined the proposed model by analysing cross-sectional survey data from 475 respondents using the partial least squares-structural equation model in Smart PLS 4.0. The findings show that higher compensation and organizational commitment levels lead to higher levels of job satisfaction, leading to greater productivity. This research also discovered that job satisfaction is a mediator between compensation and productivity and commitment and productivity, respectively. Results further show that increased organizational commitment and competitive wages are the two keyways to boost job satisfaction and productivity in the RMG industry. Relying on the findings, this study outlines pathways for organizational policymakers to improve employee productivity in the labor-intensive industry in developing countries.
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