Strategies to enhance civic awareness for state defence in Indonesia: Measurement and benchmarking of the State Defence Index (SDI)

Achmad Farid Wadjdi, G. Eko Sunarto, Eddy Maruli Tua Sianturi, Robertus Dri Kurniawan, Sri Saraswati Wisjnu Wardhani, Faisol Ba’abdullah, Muhammad Arief, Mukti Wibowo, Made Gunawan, Vitria Pragesjvara, Agung Septiadi, Dhika Rizki Anbiya, Insan Ramadhan, Hammam Riza

Article ID: 8475
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 0 (Abstract) 0 (PDF)


Countries employ various strategies to strengthen their soft power through education, public campaigns, mandatory service, and community involvement, essential for building a well-informed, prepared, and resilient citizenry. In Indonesia, the Civic Awareness for State Defence (CASD) program is designed to instil state defence awareness among citizens. This study introduces the Indonesia State Defence Index (SDI), a novel metric grounded in theoretical constructs such as national identity, nationalism, patriotism, and national pride. Differentiating from previous indices, our SDI employs advanced methodologies including Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to enhance measurement accuracy. Unlike earlier approaches that used traditional aggregation methods, our use of PCA ensures the reduction of dimensions for each state defence indicator, thereby guaranteeing that only the intended dimensions are measured. Utilising data from the State Defence Survey conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence from 1 March to 26 June 2024, we aim to measure and benchmark SDI values across Indonesian regions, thereby elucidating the civic awareness profile in the context of state defence. The refined SDI provides critical insights for policymakers, highlighting regions that require focused interventions to bolster state defence preparedness.


benchmarking; civic awareness; state defence; measurement; strategy; structural equation modeling (SEM); principal component analysis (PCA)

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