Judicial control cause and causation in the United Arab Emirates

Buti Obaid Saeed AlFalahi

Article ID: 8453
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


Judicial control in administrative law has become a necessity in administrations. Given the significant role it plays in confronting illegal activities and preserving property, money and the security of individuals in society. This research aims to introduce judicial in the United Arab Emirates and discuss the relationship between cause and causation.The descriptive analytical approach was used to study the research problem.the research conclude that cause and causation the most important element that enables the judiciary control the legality of the administration’s decisions. It is of great importance safeguards to protect individuals from abuse of administration by informing the person concerned of the reasons for making the decision, since the administration, in exercising its powers, must respect the set of legal rules established for it in the State.the research recommend that the competent authorities to make causation an essential part of the cause and a failure to render administrative decisions null and void in order to ensure transparency and to affirm the rule of law, with the exception of acts of supreme sovereignty, in order to preserve the supreme interest of the State.


judicial control; cause; causation; United Arab Emirates

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.8453


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