Map to prosperity: Natural resource revenue sharing and infrastructure development in Indonesia

Bachtari Alam Hidayat, Agus Faturohim, Loso Judijanto, Sidiq Hanapi, Alfayanti Alfayanti, Marhaendro Purno, Firdaus Landekumandang, Ribut Nurul Tri Wahyuni, Kunihiko Shinoda

Article ID: 8405
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


The well-being of society can be realized through meeting basic needs, one of which is providing public infrastructure. This study examines the role of Natural Resource Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH SDA) on government investment in infrastructure in 491 regencies/cities in Indonesia. The testing in this research uses panel data regression analysis. The results show that per capita DBH SDA in Indonesia during the study period of 2010–2012 has a significant and positive influence on government investment in infrastructure. The selection of this period is based on the consideration that a resources boom has occurred, where there is an increased global demand for natural resource commodities followed by an increase in commodity prices, thereby positively impacting revenue for countries or regions abundant in natural resources. Despite DBH SDA having a significant and positive influence, regional spending on infrastructure tends to be more influenced by central government transfers such as General Allocation Fund (DAU), Special Allocation Fund (DAK), and Local Own-source Revenue (PAD). It was found that government investment in infrastructure tends to be influenced by transfer funds, indicating that the role of the central government remains significant in determining the infrastructure expenditure of regencies/cities in Indonesia.


natural resources; infrastructure investment; revenue sharing fund; development; panel data regression

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