Opportunities and challenges in higher education arising from AI: A systematic literature review (2020–2024)

Pengfei Cui, Bity Salwana Alias

Article ID: 8390
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


With society’s continuous development and progress, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly utilized in higher education, garnering increased attention. The current application of AI in higher education impacts teachers’ instructional methods and students’ learning processes. While acknowledging that AI advancements offers numerous advantages and contribute significantly to societal progress, excessive reliance on AI within education may give rise to various issues, students’ over-dependence on AI can have particularly severe consequences. Although many scholars have recently conducted research on artificial intelligence, there is insufficient analysis of the positive and negative effects on higher education. In this paper, researchers examine the existing literature on AI’s impact on higher education to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by this super technology for teaching and learning in higher educational institutions. To address our research questions, we conducted literature searches using two major databases—Scopus and Web of Science—and we selected articles using the PRISMA method. Findings indicate that AI plays a significant role in enhancing student efficiency in academic tasks and homework; However, when considering this issue from an ethical standpoint, it becomes apparent that excessive use of AI hinders the development of learners’ knowledge systems while also impairing their cognitive abilities due to an over-reliance on artificial technology. Therefore, our research provides essential guidance for stakeholders on the wise use of artificial intelligence technology.


artificial intelligence; AI; ChatGPT; educational institution; higher education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8390


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