Sales innovation and synergy strategy of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises in the context of digital transformation: A perspective from the affordance theory

Wei Liu, Batkhuyag Ganbaatar, Zhengbin Wang

Article ID: 8352
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


In the rapidly evolving landscape of China’s pharmaceutical industry, this study investigates how pharmaceutical enterprises can achieve profitable sales innovation amid the process of digital transformation. Grounded in the Affordance theory, it posits that the positive impact of digital transformation on sales innovation is driven by the affordance afforded by digital technology and ubiquity. The research focuses on A-share pharmaceutical companies in China, utilizing data from 2012 to 2022 and employing multiple regression analysis to examine the influence of digital transformation on corporate sales innovation. The results demonstrate a significant positive effect of digital transformation on sales innovation. The study further categorizes digital transformation into technological affordance and ubiquity affordance, separately validating their roles in promoting sales innovation. Moreover, by considering synergistic effects, the research unveils the intricate relationship between digital transformation and corporate innovation performance. The findings provide a fresh perspective on understanding how digital technology propels sales innovation and offer concrete guidance for the digital transformation practices in the pharmaceutical industry.


affordance theory; digital transformation; Synergy; sales innovation

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