The development path of badminton with Chinese characteristics: Connotation, situation, and future

Ping Wang, Xiaojie Niu, Zainal Abidin bin Zainuddin

Article ID: 8316
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


Exploring the development path of badminton with Chinese characteristics is a key area in advancing the reform of China’s sports system and a crucial theoretical support for transitioning from a sports power to a sports powerhouse. This article reviews the overall situation of the development of badminton in China since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and based on this, puts forward the basic connotations and directions of the development path of badminton with Chinese characteristics. It discusses the opportunities and challenges faced in aspects such as badminton management system and mechanism, accelerated optimization and upgrading of sports industry and brands, substantial breakthroughs in competitive level, cultivation of reserve talents, and diversified development of sports culture. It explores the future direction of the development path of badminton with Chinese characteristics from five aspects: system, management, talent, industry, and culture.


China; badminton; pathway

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