The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China: Opportunities and challenges for Bangladesh in South Asian geo-strategic context

Md Sajjad Hosain, Mohammad Bin Amin, Tamanna Marjan, Md. Atikur Rahaman, Masuk Abdullah

Article ID: 8315
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 55 (Abstract) 23 (PDF)


This paper highlights the opportunities as well as challenges posed for Bangladesh by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China. BRI is being considered as the most expensive project ever initiated connecting more than half of the world population from Asia, Europe and Africa. For writing this paper, the authors utilized published sources such as journal articles, newspaper articles and web-based information published from 2013 to 2024. The article proposes that although the involvement of Bangladesh in the BRI is not absolutely free of challenges, it can serve the ultimate national interest through greater connectivity with other countries, increased volume of trade and economic activities and socio-cultural exchange. Although, as the originator and major contributor of the BRI, China will be the principal benefiter, other partner countries can also attain considerable benefits out of this historical mega scheme through the application of appropriate vision and strategic implementation. This paper has highlighted those benefits/opportunities and challenges for Bangladesh that can be beneficial for upcoming research projects particularity aimed at development studies, political economy and international relations. On the other hand, based on the arguments made on this paper, policymakers and businessmen can formulate their best policies as well as trading strategies with mutual benefits for all the stakeholders involved.


the Belt and Road Initiative; China; Bangladesh; South Asian geopolitics; regional connectivity

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