Exploring the impact of logo colors on the perceived tastes of tea beverages—A study on hand-shaken beverages in Taiwan
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
Color visually communicates the product’s flavors to consumers and further influences their taste perception. This study explores the perceived taste of tea beverages caused by the logo’s principal colors, using hand-shaken tea beverages in Taiwan as an example. To identify the linkage between the logo color and tea tastes, this study divides the taste of tea beverages into four categories: sweetness, freshness, bitterness, and astringency. Then, the 69 tea beverage logos are allocated into the 14 color sections in the CIELAB color space according to their primary colors. The Correspondence Analysis method is employed to visualize the relationships between the logos and the perceived tastes. The tea tastes are then mapped into the color sections in the CIELAB color space. The analysis results reveal that the sweetness links to logos in the Warm Scheme colors (hue angle from 0 to 59 degrees). The fresh taste is bound with the logo with the Cool White Scheme colors (hue angle from 90 to 149 degrees and brightness >80). Finally, the bitter and astringent tastes link to the logo colors in the Cold Black Scheme colors (hue angle from 60 to 89 degrees, 150 to 329 degrees, and brightness <25). This study expands the color and taste association literature from general food to tea beverages. Our obtained empirical results can be applied to hand-shaken beverage companies to select principal colors for designing logos and packages that align with tea beverages’ perceived tastes to convey brand recognition accurately.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.8279
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