E-learning as a standard for fulfilling strategic goals: Challenges and perspectives in the case of the public institution in central European country
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
Primary reason for interpretation the paper was the creation of a starting position for setting up e-learning in the structures of the executive forces of the Slovak Republic, which absent in the current dynamic environment. Problems with education arose mainly in connection with the global problem of Europe, such as the influence of illegal migrants, and it was necessary to retrain a large number of police officers in a short time. We reflect on the combined model of LMS Moodle and proctored training through MS TEAMS and their active use in practice. We focused on the efficiency in the number of participants in individual trainings and costs per participant according to the field of training. We compared the processed data with the costs of the pilot introduction of analytical organizational unit providing e-learning and interpreted the positive results in the application of e-learning compared to conventional (face-to-face) educational activities. As a basic (reference) comparative indicator, the costs of educational activities of selected organizational unit of state institution represented by own educational organizations and the number of trained employees for the periods in question were chosen. To measure effectiveness, we set financial—cost KPIs. Our findings clearly demonstrated that it is possible to significantly optimize costs when changing the current form of ICT education to e-learning. The implementation of another educational activities form of education, e-learning, within public institutions, according to the results of the analysis, can simplify and at the same time make education processes more efficient in the context of individual subjects of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.8213
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