Fostering future-ready female TVETpreneur talent framework

Wendy Ming Yen Teoh, Yuen Yee Yen, John Loh

Article ID: 8177
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 14 (Abstract) 3 (PDF)


The Malaysian government’s heightened focus on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) reflects a strategic move towards economic and social development, particularly in addressing youth unemployment. Recognizing the potential of TVET to contribute to these goals, there is a specific emphasis on enhancing the marketability of women in the workforce from the current 62 percent to an ambitious 95 percent. However, a notable gender gap persists in entrepreneurial pursuits within the TVET sector in Malaysia, with female representation lagging. To bridge this gap, this study aims to construct a comprehensive framework that nurtures future-ready female TVETpreneur talent. This initiative aligns with the Malaysian Higher Education Blueprint, 2021–2025, i.e., fostering a diverse and innovative workforce. An extensive literature survey was conducted to identify the factors influencing female TVET students’ entrepreneurial intention. The literature revealed that social psychological and organizational approaches are commonly used to explore and analyze the relationship between the influence of female TVET students’ talents and behavior, their exposure to entrepreneurship, mentorship and support programs, role models in TVET, curriculum design, and access to resources. A comprehensive theoretical framework was developed based on these findings, which offers significant insights related to enhancing TVET opportunities for women and advancing Malaysia’s economic and social development goals in a sustainable way.


TVET; female TVETpreneurs; entrepreneurial intention; innovative workforce; entrepreneurship; higher education; sustainable development goals (SDGs)

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