Development of micromodels for improvements in driving safety using as a case study a university campus in Panama

Analissa Icaza, Jorge Quijada-Alarcón, Angelino Harris, Roberto Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Franchesca Gonzalez-Olivardia, Fernando Montilla, Anshell Maylin, Gabriel Bethancourt-Lasso

Article ID: 8167
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


This research focuses on addressing critical driving safety issues on university campuses, particularly vehicular congestion, inadequate parking, and hazards arising from the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians. These challenges are common across campuses and demand effective solutions to ensure safe and efficient mobility. To address these issues, the study developed detailed microsimulation models tailored to the Victor Levi Sasso campus of the Technological University of Panama. The primary function of these models is to evaluate the effectiveness of various safety interventions, such as speed reducers and parking reorganization, by simulating their impact on traffic flow and accident risk. The models provide calculations of traffic parameters, including speed and travel time, under different safety scenarios, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of potential improvements. The results demonstrate that the proposed measures significantly enhance safety and traffic efficiency, proving the model’s effectiveness in optimizing campus mobility. Although the model is designed to tackle specific safety concerns, it also offers broader applicability for addressing general driving safety issues on university campuses. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for campus planners and administrators seeking to create safer and more efficient traffic environments. Future research could expand the model’s application to include a wider range of safety concerns, further enhancing its utility in promoting safer campus mobility.


driving safety; simulation models; traffic micromodels; traffic flow; speed tables; road safety; university campus

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Copyright (c) 2024 Analissa Icaza, Jorge Quijada-Alarcón, Angelino Harris, Roberto Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Franchesca Gonzalez-Olivardia, Fernando Montilla, Anshell Maylin, Gabriel Bethancourt-Lasso

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