Governability and governance: A scientometric review

William Retamozo Chavez, Rasine Ravelo Méndez

Article ID: 8165
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Currently, important efforts are being made to improve governability and governance by combining the monopoly of state decisions with the collaboration of diverse actors in public practice. Based on the above, the purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of conceptual approaches to both terms over the last 23 years, examining scientific production by author authors, journals, and countries. The methodology was based on a bibliometric analysis: First, the WoS and Scopus databases were searched. Subsequently, scientometric techniques and the Science Tree methodology were used to identify patterns, structures, and trends, to understand the progress and behavior of scientific production, and to measure the quantity and quality of research that has addressed these issues from different perspectives. This study examined governability and governance publications and their annual citations to assess their impact and analyzed the total output of both datasets to identify similarities and differences in governability and governance research. The findings reveal that the number of publications and citations in this field is increasing, with the United States being the most academically influential country and the journal Marine Policy being the most prominent in ranking. These data provide key information for decision-makers, researchers, and academics for future debate and discussion toward operationalizing the concepts at the practical level of action, management, and the functioning of government structures.


governability; governance; scientometric analysis; biblioshiny; tree of science

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