Main trends in the tourism industry in Indonesia between 2020–2023

Lóránt Dénes Dávid, Al Fauzi Rahmat, Setiawan Priatmoko

Article ID: 8162
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 113 (Abstract) 29 (PDF) 13 (PDF)


Indonesia’s tourism industry has emerged as a strategic sector, contributing to the country’s foreign exchange earnings. Given the prominence of this sector, there is significant potential for further development. Indeed, a mapping study to assess the dissemination of the trend and the potential for further issues to emerge would be highly beneficial. It is encouraging to note that academics have produced substantial literature on the subject, offering insights into its many facets. However, there is still a need for more in-depth analysis to understand the trends and issues currently facing the sector entirely. Consequently, this article examines the core themes in Indonesia’s tourism studies and maps the potential for future research on tourism issues and regulations. To this end, it employs a qualitative, four-year data set (2020–2023) and a SWOT analysis to identify critical aspects of Indonesian tourism issues. The data was collected in three forms: government reports, statistical data, and research articles (n = 252 samples) from the Scopus database. The results demonstrate that the predominant trend in Indonesia’s tourism industry is the widespread embrace of ecotourism at both the local and regional levels. Instead of identifying a limited number of leading destinations, the focus has shifted towards developing tourism villages and multi-stakeholder tourism. The primary concerns are the Indonesian tourism industry’s growth potential and sustainability. The development potential of Indonesian destinations based on SWOT objectives is a crucial aspect, and its score shows that Indonesia’s tourism sector is strategically positioned to take advantage of strengths and opportunities.


tourism sector; topic trend; bibliometric; SWOT; Indonesia

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