Children’s personal information and personal data protection under the laws of the EU, US and Vietnam
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
The explosion of information technology, besides its positive aspects, has raised many issues related to personal information and personal data in the network environment. Because children are vulnerable to abuse, fraud and exploitation, protecting children’s personal information and personal data is always of concern to many countries. From the concept and characteristics of personal information and personal data of children in Europe, the United States and Vietnam, it can be seen that children’s personal information and personal data protection is very necessary in every country today. This research focuses on the age considered a child, the child’s consent and his or her parental consent when providing and processing personal information or personal data of children under the laws of the EU, US and Vietnam. Therefore, the article proposes some recommendations related to the child’s consent and his or her parental consent in protecting children’s personal data in Vietnam.
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