Infrastructure-driven growth of a coastal tourist city: A case study of Pattaya, Thailand
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
Pattaya City is a well-known tourist destination in Thailand, famous for its beautiful beachfront, lively nightlife, and stunning natural scenery. Since 2019, the Eastern Special Development Zone Act, the so-called EEC (Eastern Economic Corridor), has positioned the city as a focal point for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE), boosting its tourism-driven economy. Infrastructure improvements in the region have accelerated urban development over the past decade. However, it is uncertain whether this growth primarily comes from development within existing areas or the expansion of urban boundaries and what direction future growth may take. To investigate this, research using the Cellular Automata-Markov model has been conducted to analyze land use changes and urban growth patterns in Pattaya, using land use data from the Department of Land for 2013 and 2017. The findings suggest an upcoming city expansion along the motorway, indicating that infrastructure improvements could drive rapid urbanization in coastal areas. This urban expansion emphasizes the need for urban management and strategic land use planning in coastal cities.
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