Young women’s sustainable fashion consumption in China: A qualitative study using the theory of planned behavior

Ruixiu Ma, Wei Yang, Chavis Ketkaew

Article ID: 8135
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 147 (Abstract) 100 (PDF)


As the second most polluting industry in the world, the fashion industry has a critical impact on the environment. The development of sustainable fashion is conducive to reducing the environmental pollution caused by the fashion industry. China has the largest consumer market in the world, and the Chinese government and major companies have made considerable contributions to the sustainable development of the fashion industry. However, research regarding young women’s attitudes towards this topic remains under-explored. This study interviewed 30 young women of different ages from different places in China. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), a semi-structured interview was used as a data collection method, and thematic analysis was adopted for data analysis. This paper discusses young Chinese female consumers’ attitudes towards sustainable fashion and analyzes the motivating factors and hindrance factors affecting the consumption intentions of young Chinese female consumers towards sustainable fashion. The research found that young Chinese female consumers generally hold a positive and supportive attitude towards sustainable fashion. Consumers’ perceptions of sustainable fashion, their self-perceptions, and their level of green awareness all significantly impact their attitudes and purchase intentions toward sustainable fashion. Consumers feel low social pressure, and Chinese society demonstrates a high level of acceptance and praise for sustainable concepts. However, the lack of purchasing channels and choices for sustainable fashion in China and the high cost of sustainable fashion products discourage consumers from making purchases. This study will be beneficial as a reference when the Chinese government makes sustainable policies to guide consumers toward sustainable fashion consumption. This study helps enterprises select target markets in China and formulate sustainable fashion marketing strategies and targeted advertising. This study contributes to increasing consumer awareness of sustainable fashion, as well as providing reference and reflective value when consumers purchase sustainable fashion products. Finally, this study will help promote the development process of sustainable fashion in Chinese society, make contributions to reducing the waste of social resources, promoting the recycling of resources, and improving social conditions, and put forward specific solutions and feasible suggestions for the development of sustainable fashion in Chinese society.


sustainable fashion; theory of planned behavior; young women; purchase intention; semi-structured interview

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