Health literacy about Public-Private Partnerships in hospital management

Nuno Rodrigues, João Carvalho

Article ID: 8118
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 15 (Abstract) 6 (PDF)


The Public-Private Partnerships management model (PPP) in Portugal was initially applied to the highways sector. Recently, this model began to spread to the health sector for hospital management. The recent growth of patient’s knowledge and expectations regarding the quality of healthcare services is compelling service providers to pursue new ways of delivering this care to meet users’ expectations. One wonders if the increase in patient access to knowledge may indicate a growth in health literacy, particularly regarding PPP Hospitals. This study assesses the Portuguese population’s literacy level regarding the PPP Hospital model, using a quantitative research approach based on a survey of the Portuguese population served by PPP hospitals and a Public Hospital Management (PHM) model. It was found that the Portuguese population has a low literacy concerning the PPP model, which can cause feelings of injustice. It was found that PPP users tend to have a favourable opinion regarding private involvement since they are also more satisfied compared to PMH users. These results may impact political decision-making concerning the renewal of new contracts for private management of public services.


Public-Private Partnerships; public hospital management; health literacy; satisfaction with hospital services; public information

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